Friday, February 25, 2011

Walker's First Hospital Stay

The past week has been full of emotions. It all started last Tuesday when I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night and barely made it to the bathroom. I'll spare you all the details but I will tell you the night ended with my sweet husband cleaning up after me while I took a bath. It was that bad. I was sick all day Wednesday and Thursday but by Thursday, Walker had become sick as well. When Chris went to get him out of bed he was covered in vomit and diarrhea and we had to get him undressed and straight into the bath tub. We figured that we both had a pesky stomach virus and it would work itself out. By Friday Walker was still not better so we called the pediatrician. We ended up going to the pediatrician Friday and she just told us it was a stomach virus and would have to work itself out. By Monday, Walker was still not better. We ended up spending Monday night at the emergency room. We knew something was wrong. Walker was just not himself. We had to wait in the emergency room for three hours and he just sat in our laps the entire time - so unlike him! We FINALLY got to see the doctor and they did a chest xray, tested him for the flu and pneumonia and both were negative. The doctor was very hesitant to send him home because his keytones in his urine were high. He was a bit dehydrated. She checked his blood sugar and with a promise that we would go back to the pediatrician on Tuesday, she allowed us to go home. Tuesday we spent hours at the pediatrician's office. She tested Walker again for the flu, and the test was negative again. She wanted us to stay at the office and force fluids in Walker until we got a wet diaper. Walker drank four ounces of gatorade but threw it all up. That's when we were sent straight to Children's Hospital. Walker was admitted to Children's Hospital and put straight on an IV to get some fluids. He was dehydrated and lethargic. Seeing Walker hooked up to the IV and so weak was very hard but I knew it was for the best. The doctors did some tests that night but we had to wait until the next morning for the Respiratory Specialists to come in to complete more tests. After a very uncomfortable night, morning finally came, and we finally got an answer. Walker had the flu. I couldn't believe it. He had been tested in the ER and at the pediatrician's office and both tests were negative. The doctors told us that the Rapid Flu tests are not as reliable as the tests they do in the hospital. Walker has the Flu type A, which was referred to as the H1N1 or Swine Flu last year. He is still very sick but I have seen glimpses of his normal self today which has made me very happy. I hope he will be 100% back to his normal self very soon.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Pause Button

From the time I was young, I always knew I wanted to be a wife and mother. It has been my dream to be a stay at home mom and I am super blessed that my husband has made that dream a reality for me. I love being able to take my son to playgroups, the park, story time, and more. I love spending quality time with him at home reading, dancing, singing, etc. So WHY am I itching to do other things? I started Impressions by Brittany which is awesome because I love doing it so much. I love to paint and be creative and it has been a great outlet for me. Now I am thinking of opening a children's boutique. I am a fulltime student, stay at home mom and wife, and running an online boutique - when do I possibly think I would fit in a fulltime business?

By the way, I feel the need to tell you that I am a facebook addict. I LOVE facebook. It is the best place to get an instant opinion on an idea. That being said, anytime an idea pops into my head it usually travels to my fingertips and onto facebook. If you see anymore of my ideas on facebook, please just know that I must be bored and the wheels in my head are in full gear. Remind me that in real life, there is no rewind button and these ideas can be solidified and turned into plans down the road.

Sometimes it is important for us to take a pause and really think about how blessed we are. When I really think about how blessed I am, it makes me feel so silly that I was thinking of doing anything else besides being a stay at home mom. The truth is, however, that I am at my best when I am busy. It is when the house is quiet and W is napping that these wheels get to turning.

Impressions by Brittany is going GREAT! I haven't been doing a whole lot lately because I am waiting for my new equipment to come in that will allow me to do vinyl letters instead of handpainted. The signs will all still be handpainted but the letters will be vinyl. This will be such a relief for me and will save me a lot of time. Handpainted lettering is still available at an additional cost. I hope to have pictues of my new pretty signs up very soon. They are painted and just waiting for those letters!

I hope you have great day! Pause for a minute today.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tackle It Tuesday

I admit it, I have been a blog slacker lately but not for lack of reasons. I have bene so busy lately. Last week, I totally forgot to do my Tackle It Tuesday so this week I planned a huge project - tackling Walker's playroom. The previous owners of our house turned the garage into a room. They used it as their master bedroom because it is a large room but we wanted our bedroom near Walker's so we decided to make that room into a playroom. The idea of a playroom sounded great but the playroom became a storage room as time went on. Our living room has become overcrowded with toys and I decided to clean out the playroom this week and take our living room back! We will keep a few of Walker's favorite toys in the living room but the rest are going to the playroom. I did not take a before picture of the playroom but trust me when I say it was baaaaaad. The picture below shows about half of the playroom. What it doesn't show is a changing table in the corner and two shelves. One of the shelves has books on it and the other shelf has crayons, paper, and craft supplies.There are still a few things out of place and we have to get a TV for this room which we plan on getting in the next few days. But for the most part, it is complete and ready for play!