Monday, October 17, 2011

A Walker Update

Dear Walker,
You are almost 23 months old and I cannot believe that we are planning your 2nd birthday party. It's hard to believe that it's been almost two years since you were born but it's also hard to remember life before you. You are really coming into your own and developing your own personality and it is such a blessing to watch day to day. You have grown so much and we love watching you explore and learn new things.

As 23 months you are wearing 24 month clothes although most of them are too big. You are tall and thin just like Daddy.

You give the best hugs and kisses - you really pucker up now and give us as many as we ask for!

Your vocabulary has grown like crazy lately! Here are just a few of your favorite words and phrases:
Mom (not call me mom.)
I love you

You have such a sense of independence about you. You do not like to get dressed unless you can dress yourself which provides lots of laughs for Mommy & Daddy. You love shoes but despite Mommy's best efforts to keep all character clothes and shoes away, your favorites are your Thomas crocs and your Cars tennis shoes.

We have your toddler room all set up and are in the process of trying to get you to move in there but you are just not ready. You are not a fan of change and I know where you get that from.

I hold you in my arms everyday and wonder where my baby went. I feel you needing me less and less but then I hear your sweet little voice call for me and I realize that you are not needing me less but just needing me in different ways.