Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sunday Social

Today I am linking up with Ashley for the first time in a few weeks.  I have missed doing this link up.  Last week's Sunday Social was about purses and this Momma hasn't carried a purse in four years.  My purse is an overstuffed diaper bag that really needs to be cleaned out so I sat that one out ;)  This week's is about jobs - I can do that! :) 
1. What is your dream job?
All I ever knew for sure is that I wanted to be a wife and mother.  I change my mind often and have wanted to be a Journalist, Teacher, Lawyer, and Realtor.  I am a mom and I teach preschool three days a week at my sons school and I have to say I think that is my dream job.  I love going to work and I love the days I get to stay home.  I have the best of both worlds.
2. If you have just won the lottery and didn't need to work for money, what would you do with your time?
I honestly don't think anything would change with my work situation.  I don't work as a preschool teacher for the money, that is for sure.  :)
3. What piece of career advice would you give to someone just starting out in your field?
Be able to adapt.  Plans change.
That goes for moms and teachers.
4.  What would be your ideal "just for fun" job?
My crafting job. I love creating things.
5. What was your first "real" job?
Waitressing and managing a restaurant.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Snakes, Truths, and Soccer.

Let's start out with a disclaimer.  I named my blog The Honest Momma because I was tired of seeing so many blogs that were portraying motherhood as a perfect, glorious, glitter-filled experience.  Motherhood is hard and it's messy and I am 100% not the mother I thought I would be.  I struggle daily and have to ask for forgiveness daily from my husband, my children, and my Lord.  But lately it's been quiet around here because I am having trouble living up to my name.  Some things have happened that make it easier to ignore this blog rather than put them out there and be honest about them because with honesty comes judgment.  But then I think that there have to be other moms out there who want to read REAL stories.  So, here goes..

Snakes, Truths, and Soccer is the title of this blog.  Let's start with the least scary of the three: Soccer.  Not just any soccer but unorganized, chaotic, three year old soccer.  Walker will be four years old in November.  He has never played soccer but I figured he is going to be an all-star athlete and he will excel at every sport so I signed him up expecting goal after goal and domination. Instead I saw a little boy who was confused, got his feelings hurt when the other team took the ball from him, and did not want to take the ball from his friends.  I saw a little boy who would rather sit on the sidelines and cheer on the yellow team than actually be on the yellow team.  However, it's what I saw from his momma that was the real revelation.  Let me tell you - if you want to learn about yourself, good or bad, take part in youth sports.  I had NO idea how competitive I am until that first soccer game.  I am disappointed that Walker does not love soccer and I am frustrated that we are spending our Sundays trying to convince Walker to run, not walk, to the ball but we aren't quitting and we aren't quitting for a few reasons.  Each game gives both Walker and myself a chance to do better than we did the week before.  He did score a goal in his first game so I know he can do it.  And doesn't he just look adorable in his little soccer outfit? He's an All-Star in my book.
On Saturday we headed to my parents house to help them move.  They live about an hour and a half away so we were gone most of the day.  We got home that evening and my sweet husband grilled out and I began to do laundry.  I saw a snake skin on my hamper.  It was small but that didn't stop me from screaming and literally running outside to get Chris.  We looked everywhere for the snake and still have not found any other sign of it other than the snake skin.  I stayed up that night as long as I possibly could until I could not hold my eyes open anymore because I was so terrified to go to sleep.  I have convinced myself that the sweet little snake needed to get out of the rain so he found a way in, shed his skin, and left.  That's the story we are going with because Momma has to get some sleep!
Here's the topic I am dreading.  The truths.  Children are the great truth tellers.  They have no filter and it really is just a beautiful thing until their truth is about you and then it can just cut you to your core.  Since I started teaching preschool I have had less time to work on my craft business and I have gotten used to going to bed with my husband rather than staying up until 2 am crafting so there are some nights when I start working after dinner while my three boys play.  The other night I was working and Walker, Wyatt, and Daddy were playing. Walker looked at me and said, "Mommy sometimes you have to stop being so busy and just play."  It stopped me in my tracks.  From the mouths of babes, huh? So I did.  And I am struggling with this because I do have to do some work but you know what? I also have to just stop and play because these moments are flying by at warp speed and because I have a super smart four year old who told me to - I told ya'll he's an All-Star.

Monday, September 16, 2013

You are my Miss America.

That's right - you.  You are my Miss America. 
You are beautiful.  You are talented.  You are creative.  You are confident. You are smart. You are sophisticated.  You are funny.  You are philanthropic. 
Last night I patiently waited for my little ones to go to sleep so I could snuggle up with my husband and force him to watch Miss America with me.  I have always loved watching these pageants and can remember watching them as a little girl and dreaming about being Miss America.  I would practice my wave and imagine riding around in a cool convertible car (red, to be exact) waving to all my fans who would, no doubt, line the streets just to wave to me.  I had big dreams, I tell ya.
 Fast forward to middle school and high school and I tried really hard to be a pageant gal.  I realized fast that I wasn't on track to be Miss America.  My clearance dresses from department stores just weren't able to compete with some of the other girls and neither was I.  I was uncomfortable on the stage but I always admired those who seemed to float around the stage with elegance and confidence oozing out of every perfectly pivoted turn. I still admire those girls.  I love watching the Miss America pageant and "judging" in my own living room and forcing my husband to choose his top picks.  He'll kill me for telling you this - but I promise that he ends up enjoying the show.  He may grumble at the beginning but he ends up with his own commentary and critiques (especially during the talent competition). 
Last night I was watching and really focusing on the introductions.  I made my pick early - Miss Minnesota.  She was beautiful and rocked the entire competition (until the interview) and she just looked like Miss America.  From her gown to her perfectly fluffed hair, she was Miss America to me.  I knew she lost it after the interview so the hubs and I finished the show, discussed our thoughts, and got ready for bed.  I checked Facebook and Twitter before closing my eyes and was surprised to see some of the posts criticizing everything about these girls from their weight to their hair styles to their facts that popped up on the screen to their talent to their facial expressions and more.  Sure, it's all in good humor.  Sure, these ladies are in a pageant asking to be judged.  But some of the comments I saw seemed so cruel and it got me thinking about the way we judge women on a day to day basis. 
As someone who has struggled with my own self-esteem and self-image since becoming a mom I can't help but think that we are living in our very own Miss America pageant - constantly judging women and mothers and comparing ourselves to them.  I know I do.  In the spirit of honesty I will tell you that I sat in my living room last night saying things like, "No....ew....ugly....what are they thinking?! Look at her nose! She looks like a bulldog.  Seriously?! Love her dress! Ew, hate her shoes! Tattoos?? That was terrible! Look how orange they are!" among other things. I do not believe that we sit here and say these things about these women that we do not know and do not judge others the same way in our real life.  I can't help but think that if we spent more time praising one another instead of tearing each other down, the world would be a lot nicer place for women.  I pray that women will start building each other up instead of tearing each other down.  I pray that women will start rooting for one another instead of feeling threatened by someone else's talents or strengths. 
So, I'll start. 
You are my Miss America. 
You are beautifulYou are talentedYou are creativeYou are confidentYou are smart. You are sophisticatedYou are funnyYou are philanthropic

Thursday, September 12, 2013

No Soliciting

We live in the country on a quiet dead end road.  That is until that van pulls into my driveway and someone steps out, bangs on my door (usually during naptime), and tries their hardest to sell me something.  When my husband was working out of town these solicitors showed up at our house at 8:30 pm and knocked on my door and refused to tell me what they wanted and would not leave.  I had to call the police and I was scared out of my mind.  They are extremely pushy.  I understand that they have a job to do and want to make a sale but it's just not happening here.  I have seen lots of friends posting things on Facebook about this same group of solicitors from neighboring towns and I decided to make myself a No Soliciting sign to put on my front porch. I am hoping and praying that they get the message and stay away. 

Do you get solicitors at your home? Do you entertain them or send them on their way?  Do you find it hard to say no or do you even answer the door? I'd love any tips on this subject.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Phone Free Friday

We had a great Friday night. There aren't any pictures in this post because we decided to declare it "Phone Free Friday" and after last night it is safe to say that it is a new tradition in our family.  We wanted to take the boys to do something fun because we have a busy weekend coming up so we decided to go to dinner and Chuck E. Cheese.  We put our phones in the floor board and left them in the car when we went in to the restaurant.  Instead of playing on our phones our boys colored.  Instead of checking the time we took our time.  We just enjoyed each other and were able to see other families who were tuned out and constantly checking their Facebook and kids busy candy crushing it up.  It really reinforced that "Phone Free Friday" was a great idea!

After dinner we went to Chuck E. Cheese and let the boys run wild.  They were so excited that they just run around hunting for the perfect games to play.  They were more excited about putting the coins in the machines than the actual rides and games. They enjoyed the rides for a few seconds and then they were on to the next one.  Instead of seeing my boys through my iPhone camera I was able to see them through my own eyes and no picture can compete with that.  I was able to talk to other mothers that I normally would not and enjoy their children as they rode around the carousel with my own. 

Pictures are a fantastic way to preserve memories and I think I take so many because I want to remember every second of this life with my boys.  I do not ever want to forget a minute we spend together but I realized that sometimes when I am looking through the lens, I am missing the moment.  I am trying so hard to get the perfect shot for scrapbooks that, in that minute of taking pictures, I have missed the experience.  I pray that I will do a better job of being there in the moment with my children and not so worried about the perfect shot. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

First Day of School Parent Gift

Our first week of preschool is officially in the books! I knew I wanted to take a photo of each child on the first day of school.  I used some really cute (and cheap!) green striped wrapping paper that I got at TJ Maxx to make a simple backdrop.  I took a photo of each little one holding a "First Day" chalkboard (also from TJ Maxx).  I made silly faces and I was able to crack most of them and get a smile or laugh.  The pictures turned out A-DOR-ABLE! I had originally planned to use the pictures at the end of the year and give them to the parents along with a picture of the students on the Last Day of Preschool but my husband kindly burst my bubble when he mentioned that I wouldn't be able to take their picture on the last day and get it all put together by the time they go home.  After all, we only have these little ones for four hours.  So I was on to plan B. I stared searching Pinterest and Google for cute first day crafts I could do using their pictures and my search did not yield a lot of results.  I did not find a lot of cute and useful ideas so I tweaked one and made it my own and I wanted to share what I did just in case someone else is searching for something similar.  This was my inspiration. 
I got their pictures printed and glued them onto some cute chevron and polka dot scrapbook paper I had on hand.  I laminated them and then glued a clothespin to the bottom and attached a magnet to the back of the clothespin.  I clipped on a note that says:
I made this special magnet
on the very first day
so that my preschool work
will always be on display!
Now that I look at them without their cute little faces visible I am convinced that it is their faces that made this idea so cute!  They are precious I tell you.  This was a fun and easy gift to give the parents the first week and hopefully it will encourage them to hang up their children's artwork and put it on display.  

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Wills Boys: Teacher Gifts

I absolutely love giving gifts.  When my boys started preschool I was super excited to be able to give two teacher gifts.  I knew I wanted to do something creative, inexpensive, and fun.  I found this on pinterest and it was my inspiration.  I do have a craft business so I already had some mason jar tumblers on hand.  I created a fun chalkboard vinyl decal, included a piece of chalk, and a gift certificate to a local coffee shop in our town. This was an easy and adorable gift.  I love how they turned out and I hope their teachers loved them too!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Wills boys (and their mom) go to school.

Today was our first day at preschool - yes, our.  I am lucky enough to get to go to school with my boys and drop them off in their classrooms and then go on to my own classroom full of fun two year olds.  Today was my first day as a teacher, it was Walker's first day at his new school, and it was Wyatt's first day to go to school ever.  It was a special day for all of us! I have been really blessed by this opportunity to work at my children's preschool.  I have been a stay at home mom since I found out I was pregnant with Walker in 2009.  I worked for a couple of months this Summer when we were living down south out of pure necessity.  It made me realize that I did want to work but I was not ready to be away from my boys full time.  I am not ready to give up lazy days and memories that we get to make by being together everyday.  This opportunity was just perfect for me because I get the best of both worlds.  Their school is only three days per week so I still get days full of Nerf gun wars, super hero capes, and play-doh spaghetti.  It's great for them too because they get some time away from me, and also each other, to be around other kids their same age.  Although I want them to be best friends forever, I think it is important for each of them to make friends their own age and develop age appropriate social skills. 

I am having a sudden burst of mommy guilt as I realize that I did not take one picture of my boys with the ever popular chalkboard that states the obvious "First Day of School".  Let's be honest here,  It's not like I didn't have one.  Oh, I had one.  I just totally forgot.  Mommy guilt is the worst, isn't it?!

Enjoy the chalkboard free pictures anyway.  :)  I told you guys, it is super hard to get good pictures of these two guys.  The top one is the best one I could get and even though the scrunched up nose makes an appearance, I think these guys are two handsome dudes. 



I got these pouty faces from Wyatt when I asked him if he was ready to go to school.  Despite his sad face, I am pretty sure he had a blast and I even got to sneak a peek of him outside blowing bubbles with his class.  Don't let that pouty face fool ya, he was totally popping bubbles on a bench next to a pretty little lady ;) 
Shirts by yours truly.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

RTR, ya'll!

I loved seeing all the cute pictures posted on Facebook on Saturday to celebrate game day.  My sweet husband let me sleep in that morning and then we spent the day watching football in our pajamas.  I posted on Facebook that I felt like a slacker mom because although my children did have super cute outfits to wear, we did not get out of our pajamas.  We watched football, cooked, and ate way too much food.  We yelled "Roll Tide" and "Touchdown" and laughed as our sons did the same.

One of our favorite photographers White Cotton Photography had football mini sessions last weekend.  This was our second time to do them and it has become one of our favorite traditions that really kicks off Fall and football season for our family.  My sister in law made the boys their super cute chevron shorts and I made their shirts.  I really like the boys to coordinate but not to match exactly and I love the way these outfits turned out. 

If you look closely you can see a pack of Welch's fruit snacks in Wyatt's hands.  We are not yet beyond bribing him to sit still with his brother.  We take what we can get at this point when it comes to pictures.  I am hoping next year will be much better and we will get a smile! Here's a throwback from last year's football mini session:

Monday, September 2, 2013

Adios, Summer!

This may be the first time in a really long time that I am looking forward to the end of Summer.  My family went through a lot this Summer and I am so looking forward to seeing the leaves change.  This year it will symbolize a fresh start for us and not to mention Fall is my favorite season! Here are a couple of pictures from one of my favorite days this Summer. 

Walker is going through a "scrunch the nose and smile" phase (see above pic) and in an effort to get him to smile without scrunching my husband told him to show us the smile he gives Ashley Claire who was one of his little girlfriends in his class last year.  He immediately posed this way, hands on his hips, and it instantly became one of our favorite pictures of him EVER.  :) 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sunday Social - Summer 2013

I had so much fun last week that I am linking up with Ashley again this week!
By the way, I feel like I am doing a lot of link ups lately but I am really enjoying them because I am finding so many awesome blogs to add to my reading list!

1. What was your favorite trip/vacation/activity this summer? My favorite activity this summer was coming HOME.  We had a fun summer in South Alabama but there is truly no place like home.

2. What was your favorite outfit look/clothing item of the summer? While we were in South Alabama, I got a waitressing job and our uniform was khaki shorts and a t-shirt (Comfort Colors).  I wouldn't necessarily say that this was my favorite outfit but it's pretty much all I wore this Summer. 

3. What is one thing you wish you'd gotten to do this summer? I wish I would have gotten to spend 4th of July with my boys watching fireworks.  I can't believe I had to miss it and it will not happen again, God willing.

4. What was your favorite song of the summer? Blurred Lines

5. What was your favorite movie/tv show of the summer? Big Brother, it's my favorite Summer show.  I love it!