Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Wills boys (and their mom) go to school.

Today was our first day at preschool - yes, our.  I am lucky enough to get to go to school with my boys and drop them off in their classrooms and then go on to my own classroom full of fun two year olds.  Today was my first day as a teacher, it was Walker's first day at his new school, and it was Wyatt's first day to go to school ever.  It was a special day for all of us! I have been really blessed by this opportunity to work at my children's preschool.  I have been a stay at home mom since I found out I was pregnant with Walker in 2009.  I worked for a couple of months this Summer when we were living down south out of pure necessity.  It made me realize that I did want to work but I was not ready to be away from my boys full time.  I am not ready to give up lazy days and memories that we get to make by being together everyday.  This opportunity was just perfect for me because I get the best of both worlds.  Their school is only three days per week so I still get days full of Nerf gun wars, super hero capes, and play-doh spaghetti.  It's great for them too because they get some time away from me, and also each other, to be around other kids their same age.  Although I want them to be best friends forever, I think it is important for each of them to make friends their own age and develop age appropriate social skills. 

I am having a sudden burst of mommy guilt as I realize that I did not take one picture of my boys with the ever popular chalkboard that states the obvious "First Day of School".  Let's be honest here,  It's not like I didn't have one.  Oh, I had one.  I just totally forgot.  Mommy guilt is the worst, isn't it?!

Enjoy the chalkboard free pictures anyway.  :)  I told you guys, it is super hard to get good pictures of these two guys.  The top one is the best one I could get and even though the scrunched up nose makes an appearance, I think these guys are two handsome dudes. 



I got these pouty faces from Wyatt when I asked him if he was ready to go to school.  Despite his sad face, I am pretty sure he had a blast and I even got to sneak a peek of him outside blowing bubbles with his class.  Don't let that pouty face fool ya, he was totally popping bubbles on a bench next to a pretty little lady ;) 
Shirts by yours truly.


  1. That is such a blessing to be able to go to school with them... that means you'll have the summers and breaks off with them too! :)

    Love those shirts!

  2. I would love to do that when my Wyatt is old enough for pre-school!
