Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sunday Social - Summer 2013

I had so much fun last week that I am linking up with Ashley again this week!
By the way, I feel like I am doing a lot of link ups lately but I am really enjoying them because I am finding so many awesome blogs to add to my reading list!

1. What was your favorite trip/vacation/activity this summer? My favorite activity this summer was coming HOME.  We had a fun summer in South Alabama but there is truly no place like home.

2. What was your favorite outfit look/clothing item of the summer? While we were in South Alabama, I got a waitressing job and our uniform was khaki shorts and a t-shirt (Comfort Colors).  I wouldn't necessarily say that this was my favorite outfit but it's pretty much all I wore this Summer. 

3. What is one thing you wish you'd gotten to do this summer? I wish I would have gotten to spend 4th of July with my boys watching fireworks.  I can't believe I had to miss it and it will not happen again, God willing.

4. What was your favorite song of the summer? Blurred Lines

5. What was your favorite movie/tv show of the summer? Big Brother, it's my favorite Summer show.  I love it!


  1. I loved Blurred Lines, too...until that VMA performance, now I can't listen to it without seeing disturbing images of Miley in my mind...dang it!

  2. Uniforms are great. Wished I had one for work and wouldn't have to deal with the "I got nothing to wear" dilemma every night!

  3. I have a cousin who is totally addicted to Big Brother...and it's a guy! LOL

  4. Blurred Lines, it was my fave too. I fortunately didn't see the VMAs so I haven't been traumatized.

    I wore scrubs all summer so I was pretty comfortable.

    Enjoy your holiday,


  5. I so wanted to take our Little Man to see fireworks this year too, but it just didn't work out. :-/

    Am visiting from the Sunday Social. You have such a great blog!

    I'm your newest follower and look forward to getting to know you better!

