Thursday, June 8, 2017

Family Command Center + New Summer Screen Time Rules

We have this wall in our kitchen that Lord willing will one day be gone when the great remodel on Mistletoe happens but until then it is an awkward area. It's too small to hang any kind of art or picture frames on and let's just be honest, we're not really the hanging art kind of folk. I have had aprons hanging on this wall and this ugly mess below but it always just ends up looking junky. I purchased this wood and metal organizer from HomeGoods to hold school papers and things to file but it ended up looking like this. Always. It became a clutter contraption and I just can NOT with clutter.
My boys are always excited when Summer comes because they look forward to creating a Summer bucket list. We did that for the first time last Summer and they loved getting to cross things off their list. They love a good list.
Not sure where they get that from....
Walker can read so I knew he would love getting to see our weeks planned out on a calendar. We have always had a paper one on our fridge which I have loved because you could write things on future months but the one I have used has been discontinued so we broke down and purchased a dry erase calendar. The dry erase calendar has proved helpful considering we had a whole week planned last week that had to be erased due to the dreaded stomach bug. I found a Summer Bucket List on Pinterest and let the boys make their own which included things like >> Go to Africa, Go to the Beach, Go to the Jungle, and other absolutely fun but no way happenin' adventures. Of course we did add a few of theirs like the movie theater and the beach to our family list. You can find the Summer Bucket List Free Printable HERE.
I also printed off new Summer Rules for screen time. I put it in a page protector and the boys use a dry erase marker to check off their tasks. THIS has been a game changer. We do not do screen time every day but they know if they want to even ASK for screen time these things have to be done first. If they ask for screen time before this list is completed they will automatically get no screen time for that day and still have to complete their list. I was worried the list would not take them long to complete and they would spend the rest of the afternoon on screens but I was wrong. They usually get so into what they are writing, coloring, or building that they spend more than their required 20 minutes on those activities. I have also learned to set a timer on my phone and actually make them get off their screens when the timer goes off. This new system has really worked for us. You can find the Summer Screen Rules Free Printable HERE.

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