Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Say What?!

When I was pregnant with Walker, I was amazed at the things that people would say. I couldn't believe the things that people would say to an already hormonal, emotional, tired, hungry, pregnant lady. I usually brushed it off or had an occasional meltdown and forgot about it. Now that we have baby number two in the oven, I thought it might be interesting to post some of the things people say this go around.

My friend Jennifer just posted some of the things people said to her when she was pregnant. I hate these things were said to her but it is refreshing to know that the lack of couth in regards to dealing with pregnant ladies is not limited to my circle of friends, family, and acquaintances.

So far, I haven't had too many things said to me but I am only three months along. I am sure this list will grow at speeds comparable to my waistline.

1. "So I am assuming this was planned?"
First of all, this is a downright rude thing to ask anyone but what makes this especially rude is who asked this question. We had just announced our pregnancy and this was someone's response to our big announcement. My response? "Yep. 15 months in the making." Second of all, even if we had not been trying for fifteen months to have another baby and it was an "oops", why would we want to broadcast that? All babies are gifts from God and we would have been just as happy if this baby had not been planned.

2. "So....still pregnant?"
Seriously? I could not believe these words came out of someone's mouth. They flowed out as easily as, "The weather's nice today." What a way to start a conversation. Yep, still preggers. But if I wasn't, I'm sure that's the way I would want to make that sensitive announcement.

3. "Well at least you didn't try for four years."
At least. Here's the deal - when you want a baby and you are going month after month after month not getting pregnant it doesn't matter if it takes six months or four years. My response to this person was exactly this: "Four years or fifteen months -They both suck. When you want a baby and you can't have one, it sucks." Are you telling me your pain at fifteen months was different than your pain and longing for a child at four years? I doubt it. I will never understand why some people strive to bring you down at happy times in your life.

So far, that's all that has been said to me that has rubbed me the wrong way. I hope this list doesn't grow. What's funny is to think about the people who have said these things to me and to realize that none of them are my close friends or my immediate family. They are all people who have brought me down at other special times in my life. I don't guess I should be too surprised but I remain hopeful that this list will end at number three.

1 comment:

  1. Amen sister!! Some people just don't think before they speak! Sometimes it is just hard to smile and not say anything!
