Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Forgiveness is something I struggle with and have struggled with for as long as I remember. My husband and I joke that I have a three strike rule when it comes to people and it's a joke that is soaked in truth. This is something I wish I could change about myself and I am trying to do just that.  What's even worse is that I fully expect to be forgiven when I admit my wrongs. I am aware of the hypocrisy.

It's almost 2 am and I am lying in bed doing everything I can to avoid going to sleep. First, Facebook updates. Next was that darn Candy Crush level I just can't seem to beat and now blogging. All this to avoid a conversation with God tonight. You see, tonight I need to ask for forgiveness and I am struggling. Tonight I said something that I feel terrible about and I need His forgiveness. I know he will give it to me - that's just the kind of guy he is. But me??! I'm not so quick to forgive...even myself. Every mistake seems to linger in my head and on my heart for days or until a bigger mistake takes over it's spot on my heart. 

I know mistakes are a part of life and what is important is the lesson you take from the mistake. I know I shouldn't be so hard on myself, and others, for that matter. I also know that I should not ever be afraid to have a conversation with God. I know he sees my heart, my intentions, and he knows that I am good. I am thankful for a Lord who will forgive me even when I struggle to forgive myself. 


Friday, July 12, 2013

Frugal Friday - My Coke Rewards

I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs.  My vice? Coca-Cola. Soda, pop, whatever you want to call it - Coke, here.  I drink Coke.  I know soda is not good for you but everything is good in moderation, right?!

So Coca-Cola has a rewards program where you collect points and enter them on the mycokerewards.com site and you can earn prizes, gift cards, or enter sweepstakes.  The points are on every Coca-Cola product and range in amounts depending on the size of the product.  I save my points all year for the 12 Days of Holidays Rewards in December where they have special offers on gift cards.  Here are the offers from this past December:

December 2nd – $5 McDonald’s gift card only 90 points (limit 1)
December 3rd – $10 Dominos Pizza gift card only 180 points (limit 1)
December 4th – $25 Nike eGift Card only 500 points (limit 1)
December 5th – $25 TJ Maxx gift card only 600 points (limit 1)
December 6th – $25 Best Buy gift card only 600 points (limit 1)
December 7th – 2 AMC movie tickets and 2 Drinks only 470 points (limit 1)
December 8th – $25 Home Depot gift card only 600 points (limit 1)
December 9th – $50 Southwest Airlines gift card only 1,200 points (limit 1)
December 10th – $50 Bass Pro Shops gift card only 1,200 points (limit 1)
December 11th – $20 Shutterfly eGift Card only 200 points (limit 1)
December 12th – FREE 12-pack Coke coupon only 30 points (limit 4)

I ended up with a gift card from TJ Maxx and Home Depot! Not too bad, especially during the Holiday season.  I have friends and family who collect their points for me and it's really not hard to rack up the points fast! You can also google My Coke Rewards and find free codes to get you started collecting points.  Christmas is only 5 months away!! Get started now and see what you can get for free!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

20 Things Every Parent Should Hear

I read this on The Huffington Post last week and instantly wanted to give the author a big high five followed by a tearful hug.  The words are so true and I related to most of them. Me? Gross? Nah...

My favorite, hands-down, is number four.  Before I became a mother I had an idea in my head of the type of mother I would be: one who never yells, one who never says hurtful things, one who never makes mistakes, one who is perfect.  I am so far from that, ya'll.  Like, SO far. The thing I am proud of, in the midst of my mistakes, is that I am able to see them.  I am able to recognize when I made a mistake and I am able to say I'm sorry when those words are needed.  I may be far from perfect but I truly believe recognizing mistakes may be more of an example than never making any in the first place.

 So, thank you, Beth Woolsey for sharing these truths.

1. You are a hero for your kids. You are. You're a go-the-distance, fight-the-dragon, face-the-challenges hero for your kids. Taking a beating makes that more true. Not less.

2. We all struggle. Every parent. Everywhere. We all second-guess ourselves. And we all want to quit sometimes. Hold the good times close, and when things are tough, remember, "this, too, shall pass."

3. Finding the funny may not save your soul, but it will save your sanity. Or maybe it's the other way around. Either way, look for the humor and embrace the crazy. Laughter is a lifeline.

4. Every day, you will feel like you have mishandled something. Like you've been impatient. Like you've misjudged. Like you've been too harsh. Like you've been too lenient. You may be right. Apologize if you need to and then, whatever. Seriously. Just whatever. Let it go.

5. The crazy, the crying, the cuddles. The screaming, the sacred, the scared. The minutes, the magic, the mess. It's all part of it. And it's all worth it.

6. Family is the best. Even when it's not perfect. And it's never perfect. Ever.

7. At the end of organization, at the end of patience, at the end of perfection, we die to ourselves. And then love rises from the ashes. It sucks. And then it gets better. And then it sucks again. Still, love rises.

8. You will never regret parenting. Except for the teeny, tiny tons of times when you secretly wonder if you maybe regret it just a little. But, overall, never. And overall is what counts in the end.

9. Parenting is like climbing the big mountain. Look for the base camp. That's where you rest, meet other climbers, take in oxygen and acclimatize. Base camp is what makes summiting possible.

10. You are not alone in this strange, vast, parenting ocean. Even in the dark of night. You are not alone. You're not.

11. Kids know the way to magical and they'll give you a free pass to come along. Breathe in the magic as long as you can, because that same kid is going to poop his pants in just a minute.

12. There's a very fine line between enjoying the chaos and barely surviving. Actually, there's no line at all. It's all mixed up together. That "fine line" thing is a lie.

13. If you pay attention, kids will teach you how to laugh loudly, how to love deeply and how to live fully. They will also ruin all your stuff.

14. Any number of kids is a lot of kids.

15. Look for joy. You'll find it in the middle of the busy. Or under the ridiculous. Or hanging from the overwhelmed in its underpants. Joy's like that. It's in the middle of everything. It's completely unpredictable. And it will surprise you when you're not expecting it. Like vomit and diarrhea, except good.

16. You will fall apart and do it all wrong. Forgive yourself. Ask your kids to forgive you. Set an example of resilient fallibility. Set an example of practicing the art of love -- both loving yourself and loving others. No one does this parenting gig right the first time. Or the last time. Or the times in between. Showing your kids how to keep going after getting it wrong is a wonderful gift to give them.

17. Kids are difficult, gross, confusing and awesome. So are you.

18. Parenting will bring you face-to-face with yourself. It may be terrifying. It may break you. But it will also rebuild you, and you will be stronger than you ever thought possible.

19. Balance is a myth. Parenting isn't a tight-rope walk; it's a dance. Strive for rhythm instead of balance, and trust yourself to move to the ever-changing beat.

20. Yes, you will have days where you wonder where the hell the capable and organized you went. Yes, you will sit on the floor of the main aisle at Target by the check-out area with a child who is thrashing, screaming and calling you names. Yes, you will have to tell your child that the dog is not a napkin and to put down the urinal cake. If you do not do all those things literally, then you will do them figuratively. And yes, you will also hold that child and rock back and forth and tell him you love him and tell him he's safe and tell him you're not leaving even though he will someday leave you. This is parenting. It is tragic and triumphant. Messy and magical. Sacred and spectacular. And it is, always, fiercely worthwhile.

A New Look

The title of this post could be used to describe lots of things going on in our lives at the moment.  More on that later.

Today it is describing the new look on the blog! What do you think?  Jenn at Munchkinland Designs did a great job on the new blog design and I am loving it.  Thank you, Jenn! I know it wasn't easy but I think the end result is fantastic.