Thursday, February 27, 2014

Teacher Podium Makeover

I'm a first year teacher.  I know, I know.  I need to write a post explaining how all that came about.  I'll put that on my to-blog list. Back to this post - I am a first year teacher and I started in the middle of the school year so my classroom was/is full of stuff and I am doing my best to make it my own a little bit at a time.  This podium doesn't get a whole lot of use in my classroom but it has been a bit of an eye sore for me and I knew it needed some kind of makeover.  This is how it started out looking - yellow and black with a poor spray paint job.  So I loaded it up one day after school and brought it home where it sat for a week or two while I was deciding on colors. 
I really wanted to give it a pop of color but ultimately I decided to go with white.  It took several coats of spray paint to cover up the black.  Fun Fact: As my husband and I were spray painting the podium we noticed a name with class of '66 carved into it.  I knew this thing was old but wowzers! I added some vinyl to it and it looks like a totally different podium.  I am very happy with the end product and can't wait to take it to school tomorrow.  It will be making a little trip to the Engineering class first so they can fix the bottom of it - after all it is OLD! :) 

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