Monday, October 21, 2013

Playing Catch Up.

I started this 31 Days of Blogging challenge with so many ideas and a real plan to blog every single day.  It didn't take long for me to start playing catch up.  At first I would get a day or so behind but I would always catch up.  I logged in today and it says my last post was October 10th.  Ouch. 

I feel like my life as a mom is a game of catch up - catching up on laundry, housework, play time, quality time, snuggles, my DVR, my reading, prayer, etc.  I tell my boys all the time that I want to stop time - for them to stay this little, but I must admit that I would also like to stop time so that I can just breathe. Lately my to-do list rarely gets finished and I feel my housework overwhelming me.  I find myself thinking, "I thought I would be so much better at this." And that is true.  I thought I would be so much better at being a mom.  I thought I would be better at keeping it all together. I thought I would have makeup and an apron on with dinner on the table when my husband walked in the door.  I thought I would be a coupon clipping, money saving Martha Stewart and my home would look like something out of a magazine.  The truth is that I do cook but many nights I am already in my PJ's when my husband gets home and some nights I sneak off to take a bubble bath and leave the ingredients for dinner on the counter and my husband takes my hint and has dinner ready when I get out - he's a keeper for sure.  The truth is that my house is a work in progress.  When I go to some of my friends homes I think that their house looks so grown up and I start to feel like our house looks like someone's home that is just starting out, and then I remind myself that we are just starting out. 

Although there will not be 31 posts for this series I did want to blog about real life.  And my real life is messy and chaotic and I do not always get around to doing what I want to do and that's what happened here.  But it's never too late to try again, right? I am thankful for a new day - everyday.

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