Saturday, October 5, 2013

Thank you, Pinterest!

I have learned so much from Pinterest.  Seriously.  I get most of my recipes from there and I have learned a bit about my style thanks to Pinterest as well.  I have always loved photo walls and I have wanted to create one for a while now but I am pretty awful at printing my photos out and ordering prints.  That was my only New Years Resolution this year and we are in October and I have only ordered one set of prints.  I really need to get on that before I get too far behind (as if four years behind is not too far).  Home décor is not my strong point but I am getting better thanks to Pinterest. 
After being back in our home for two months I was really missing seeing my kids pictures on the wall so I made the hubs hang some while watching football.   I came up with this grouping and I am really excited about how it turned out. I  purchased the white frames to use in Walker's room but I put some of them in this grouping and loved how it turned out.  Pre-Pinterest, I would never have mixed the colors but I really think it looks great.  If you look closely, you may be able to tell that the three bottom pictures are matted in ivory as opposed to white and the bottom left picture is missing glass that broke during our move.  Remember, I am blogging about real life, ya'll.  :)  I hope to get some glass and some white mats for those frames this weekend. 


  1. I have been telling myself for months that I'm gonna have a picture wall after seeing so many on Pinterest and I still haven't done it. Yours looks great! BTW, what the heck did we do before Pinterest!?
