Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sunday Funday

Honest Momma Confession Time - I am trying REALLY hard to blog everyday but I am struggling BAD.  I am not struggling with my topics or knowing what to write but I am trying hard to spend more quality time with my guys and that means going to bed when my husband goes to bed, which is usually when I blog.  So, today is Tuesday and I am playing catch up so hopefully I can be caught up today.  :) 

Sunday was a busy day for my crew.  We went to church and then had to book it out of church because I had a little craft show at a friend's house right after church so I had to drop the boys off at home and head straight to the show.  I got out of church at 12:30 and had to be at the show shortly after.  The show was from 2-4 and then I had a meeting at church at 5 pm.  During the car ride home from church Walker mentioned that he forgot to get a piece of cake.  I am still not sure what he was talking about or if there was some cake at church that we both apparently missed out on but after my craft show I had a little bit of time before it was time for my meeting so I stopped by the grocery store and picked up a cake mix and some icing.  When I got home that night we baked two dozen cupcakes, ate dinner while they cooled off, and then we iced them.  It was a really low key and fun night and these are the moments that make my heart so happy.  I know that we are making memories in these moments and I am thankful for both the memory and the moment.

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